WTUL New Orleans

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Cool Musicians

Since WTUL currently has a lot of automated programming (we call it TULbot), we've had to make sure that our legal station identifcation is automated as well. So we dug into the vaults and found some killer clips from artists like REM, Johnny Rotten, The Ramones, Dick Dale, Jane's Addiction, X and more. They're great. They're also not quite representative of what this station is today.

All we need is a clip up to one minute that at some point says "WTUL New Orleans". That's not "WTUL 91.5FM New Orleans" or "WTUL The Best Radio Station in New Orleans", just "WTUL New Orleans". And no profanity or calls to action (don't tell anybody what to do). Past that, it's pretty much up to you what words you put around "WTUL New Orleans". I'd expect that somewhere in that phrase is your name/your band's name, but it's not required I guess.

If you listen to TULbot for a while you'll find that a lot of these clips are pretty gimmicky, and a lot of them have a clip of the band's music playing underneath. Go nuts.

You can send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Don't send other things there, they'll be ignored. If you want to send music for airplay, the address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We reserve the right not to play a submission for whatever reasons we choose.

Thanks y'all!


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