This is a chance for WTUL DJs to let our listeners know more explicitly about something they're really excited about. Maybe it's not obvious from the show, maybe it's not music... it's another opportunity to share something great.
Jul Thief recommends The "Selma" Album: A Musical Tribute To Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’m going back to the 70’s to make a throwback recommendation based on a cool rediscovery. “The "Selma" Album: A Musical Tribute To Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” came to my attention after I learned it was the source of the earworm flute sample in Future’s Mask Off. The flute you hear in “Mask Off” is from “Prison Song,” a number in the 1977 musical “Selma.” The entire cast recording album is an amazing tribute to MLK and the Civil Rights Era. As a political science student and DJ I’ve been really excited to discover this intersection of American history and theater. I highly recommend for fans of history, justice, musicals, and just good music in general.
Jul Thief is on every other Saturday from 6-8pm.
DJ LizE is going to recommend some sci-fi every month. This month it's the show People of Earth
I can't wait for the Season 2 premiere of People of Earth on July 24th, mainly because it makes me laugh, a lot. People of Earth is a comedy staring Daily Show alum Wyatt Cenac and if you haven't seen Season 1, well you're missing out. The premise of the show is that, yes, aliens are real, and they are already here, hiding in plain sight. A small contingency of aliens were sent ahead of a large invasion force, and are living and working among us. Cenac plays a prominent journalist, named Ozzie Graham, who is researching a support group for those claiming to have be survivors of alien abduction - Starcrossed, whose leader is played by SNL Alum Ana Gasteyer. During the course of his research, Ozzie quits his big city journalism job, moves to the small town where Starcrossed meets, and where a litany of odd/surreal events keep occurring, and realizes that he might be a survivor of alien abduction as well. What I enjoy about this show is the tongue-in-cheek allusions to the whole pantheon of sci-fi traditions, and the juxtaposition of there being several alien races advanced enough to travel to Earth to study humans, and the complete ineptitude of the individual aliens sent to study the "people of earth."
DJ LizE is the host of the Kids Show every Saturday from 8-10am.
DJ Fun recommends Grand Piano, Nautral City, and Kontroll
I am an avid watcher of films and recommend three: Grand Piano, Natural City, and Kontroll. They're visually stunning films for completely different reasons, and I promise you'll enjoy them. Natural City is South Korean and was made at the beginning of the Modern Korean film movement in 2003 by Min Byeong-cheon. Kontroll is Hungarian, also from 2003, and was created by Nimród Antal, the finest Hungarian filmmaker. Lastly, Grand Piano is a film from 2013 starring Elijah Wood and John Cusack. Elijah transcends logic and becomes a professional pianist before your eyes. It's like magic. Don't miss these films.
DJ Fun's show is called Radio Wowowowo. He plays mostly mostly dub reggae, carribean, african, and electronic music.
DJ D-Rob recommends Portugal. The Man - Noise Pollution (Version A, Vocal Up Mix 1.3) (feat. Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Zoe Manville)
DJ D-Rob is Tuesdays Noon-2pm
DJ Kit-Kat recommends Number Girl - Sappukei
Recently one of my best friends came back from Japan with a CD for me by Japanese post-hardcore band, NUMBER GIRL. While she had given me a live CD of some of their most well-known songs, the album always on my mind is their 2000 effort, Sappukei. Another friend of mine was the one who turned me on to these guys, who unfortunately broke up in 2002. However, they made a lasting impression on Japanese artists and their influence is felt in artists such as tricot (another one of my favorites), Asian Kung-Fu Generation, and more. I highly recommend listening to anything by these guys - I'm not a huge fan of screaming in my music, but when they do it, it's wonderful. On Sappukei, I especially recommend "ZEGEN VS. UNDERCOVER" and "U-REI," my personal favorites.
DJ Kit Kat's show is every other Saturday from 10AM - 12PM.
Hunter King recommends Free-Son - Banguele
Hunter DJs Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instrumental Rock and Roll Mondays 4-6pm/em>

Tel recommends Watermelon
So... can I recommend watermelon? It's pretty much been my main obsession this month, so I think it fits the criteria.
Tel is Tulane's Media Advisor