WTUL New Orleans

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DJ McKayKay and DJ Jetpack
DJ McKayKay and DJ Jetpack

Our third team of 24 Hr DJs took their seats today at Noon. DJ Jetpack and DJ McKayKay will be on air until tomorrow at Noon hoping to end our pledge drive on a strong note. If you'd like to help them, you can go to wtulneworleans.com/donate

 They have a lot of ground to make up. Currently WTUL has only raised $9000 of our $25,000 goal. We need this money to keep our equipment running, to pay for song licensing, and for other office needs.

Our last 24 Hr Crew had a very strong showing, raising $4000. DJ Everything Bagel, DJ Iceburg and DJ Doomkid were in high spirits as they rounded out their broadcast, though chances are they're asleep somewhere now. Thanks to everybody that's helped us so far!

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