WTUL New Orleans

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WTUL's Student Media Advisor Tel Bailliet has a guest article on RadioWorld.com featuring quotes from several WTUL DJs. The article details some of the qualities that WTUL's non-affiliate DJs bring to the station and perspectives from both students and non-affiliates on that policy.

 Here's a quote:

The presence of non-affiliates also acts as a two-way bridge between the community and Tulane University. Current student Jacqueline McLennan said working with non-affiliates “provides a way for me to engage and meet people within the New Orleans community I wouldn’t have normally met.”

DJ Rotten Milk, also known as Don Pentaro, has been a non-affiliate member of WTUL since 2014. He joined to share his love of independent music and to show his appreciation of the station. “As someone who listens to the radio a lot but often lacks the financial means to contribute support, I feel good about the opportunity to support WTUL with my time,” Pentaro said. WTUL is funded by both Tulane University and community supporters, and its listener base draws heavily from off-campus populations. - See more at: http://www.radioworld.com/article/campus-view-with-a-little-help-from-our-non-affiliate-friends/279141#sthash.rdoi7lTg.dpuf

Full article here

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