WTUL New Orleans

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WTUL introduces its new series DJ of the Month! This series highlights a DJ (or co-DJs) each month, giving listeners insight on their favorite albums, most memorable experiences at WTUL, and more!


To start off the series, we sat down with DJRoadRunner and DJ Tweedie-Like-The-Bird to learn about their favorite finds in the WTUL stacks, who they'd want to interview at the station, and their best station moments. Lastly, they put together a specially-curated Spotify playlist for listeners!


How long have you been a DJ at WTUL?

We've been DJs at WTUL for three semesters and this is our second semester as Apprentice Directors.


What is your favorite song or album that you've discovered in the stacks?

DJRoadRunner - Oh man, there's been so many. I'd probably say Obsidian by Baths. It's such a dark and brooding album, but it's also so light and airy at the same time. It's so ghostly and it definitely showed me how cool it is to take a chance in the stacks and just grab anything. More often than not, you won't be disappointed!

DJ Tweedie-Like-The-Bird - One of my all-time favorite alnums I happened upon in the stacks is The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs. I think it was another random-stacks-shelf-grab last year and, damn, they really did that. Sixty nine whole entire love songs with a collective, ir ironic, lyrical sincerity and an instrumentation to match. It's a great listen if you wanna make your heart feel soft, for sure. Oh, also, "Road Head" by Japanese Breakfast is a banger. 


Which local artist has been one of your favorites to play on-air?

Pink Fink for sure! Their self-titled LP is so fun and spooky. Perfect to play around Halloween, or just any time honestly.


Which artist would you want to interview on WTUL and why?

Benni would be really cool to talk to! Seeing him live when opening for The Black Lips was just so much fun to watch. He seems like he'd be a super cool guy to just kick it with.


What is your most memorable moment at the station?

DJRoadRunner - Probably during shadowing last semester. Tweedie and I had the best time hanging out with our apprentices and it made the whole teaching process so much more enjoyable when we're all just running around and having a blast. 

DJ Tweedie-Like-The-Bird - Very true, I loved getting to know our apprentices, especially when we were trying to help them pick out their DJ names. We asked our listeners to call in with names and ended up getting a caller from Seattle who tactfully suggested "DJ Booger Head." By the way, big shoutout to new DJs Slammi Payza, Lonesome Cowboy, and Bluefin! No Booger Heads among them, unfortunately... 


Listen to their Spotify playlist here and tune into their show every other Wednesday from 10pm-12am on WTUL New Orleans 91.5 FM!


Photo credits: Caleb Horowitz

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